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home Privacy Policy Last updated: Aug 2024

This notice describes the Privacy Policy that applies to all information collected or submitted when you signup for, or use, the Pro version of Markbook browser extension.

How we collect and use your personal data:

When you use the basic free version of Markbook we don't collect any data, period.

Only when using Markbook Pro we collect data from you to provide the associated services. This includes data you provide directly, such as when creating a Markbook Pro account or contacting us for support. When using a Markbook Pro account we also store the encrypted bookmark data that you create, to allow syncing with your other devices.

We use your data to provide services associated with your Markbook Pro account and to provide customer service through our support. This includes updating, securing, troubleshooting, and providing support.

Contacting you:

We may use your contact email address to communicate service-related information, provide support, and send product updates and announcements. You can choose to stop receiving communications from us at any time, except for essential notifications like billing and account security alerts.

Your responsibilities:

When creating a Markbook Pro account, you will need to provide an email address and a password. It is important to create a strong and unique password for optimal security. It is also important to save your password in a secure place where you cannot lose it. Your password is used to encrypt and decrypt your bookmark data, and there is no way (even for us) to recover your online data in case you lose that password.

Your right to have your data erased:

Markbook Pro account owners have the right to request permanent removal of their data from our systems.

Cookies and tracking:

We do not engage in or support cross-service tracking.

Consent for underage enrollment:

Users under the age of 13 may not use our services without parental or legal custodian consent.

Breach notification:

In the event of a breach, we will promptly disclose the nature of the risk and provide transparent information about the events.

Updates to our privacy policy:

We may update this Policy at our discretion and note the date of the last revision. Please check this page frequently for updates, and we may inform you of substantive changes via email.

Contact us:

If you have questions about this Policy, contact Markbook support.