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Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcut Description Ctrl + ArrowDown (browser shortcut) Toggle Markbook Ctrl + ArrowUp (browser shortcut) Create Shortmark Ctrl + , (comma) Open settings Enter (in mark list) Open selected mark Shift + Enter (in mark list) Open query with default search engine Alt Toggle tab image visibility F2 Edit selected mark Tab Select next mark list mode Delete Delete selected mark (via modal) Shift + Delete Delete selected mark (instant)
Query commands
Command Description /a Open actual tab in archive /b Show native browser bookmarks /d Delete selected mark (with confirm modal) /df Delete selected mark (without confirm modal) /e Edit selected mark /f Show favorites /g Show groups /h Show history /l Locate actual tab in Markbook /m Show all marks /n Create new mark from active tab /s Show all shortmarks /logout or /exit Logout account
Mark limits, how many marks can I make?
A newly created Markbook Free local account can hold up to 1.000 Markbook marks. This cap can be permanently raised by purchasing one or more months of Markbook Pro.
A Markbook Pro subscription will permanently raise that cap with 1.000 marks for each month subscribed.
After 10 months of Markbook Pro subscription the cap will reach its limit of 10.000 marks.
Share limits, how many marks can I share?

Markbook marks can be shared in groups via share links. Clicking the "groups" button in the main window will show the mark groups.

A mark group can only be shared if it contains at least one mark. You can create as many groups as you like, but for the sharing of groups there are limits.

When using the Markbook Free version you can share up to 25 marks per shared group and have a maximum of 5 shared pages/links. Once shared, the pages cannot be changed or removed, they are fixed and will automatically be removed after one month.

When using Markbook Pro you can share up to 100 marks per shared group and have a maximum of 20 shared pages/links. On top of that, marks can be added or removed from the shared group, and the shared group itself can be removed or unshared at will.

As long as the Markbook Pro subscription is active there will not be automatic removals of shared pages. Only when an expired subscription is not renewed within a year, all shared pages for that account will be removed.

What is a local-first application?

A local-first application is a type of software that prioritizes storing and processing data on the user's local device, ensuring data availability and functionality even without an internet connection, while still providing seamless synchronization with the cloud when online.

What is E2EE?

E2EE (end-to-end encryption) is a method of secure communication that encrypts data on the sender's device and decrypts it only on the recipient's device, ensuring that no intermediaries, including service providers, can access the unencrypted data.